
Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Role & Responsibility
Crossroads is truly fortunate to have such a committed and thoughtful Board of Trustees. Thanks to the continued dedication and leadership of the Board, the School is well-positioned for continued success. We’d like to take this opportunity to explain the role of the Board and the deep and lasting impact our Trustees continue to make on our School.

List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • What decisions are made by the Board?

    The Board oversees long-range, strategic planning for Crossroads. The Board engages in strategic financial planning; assumes primary responsibility for the preservation and growth of capital assets and endowments; approves the annual operating budget; and participates actively in fundraising in a leadership capacity.
  • Who is on the Board?

    Crossroads currently has 23 Trustees (14 men and 9 women), including current parents, alumni, parents of alumni and grandparents. The Trustees’ diverse professional experiences and skill sets—in business, the arts, finance, real estate, the law, politics, social justice, community advocacy and more—ensure a comprehensive approach that helps the School thrive. Indeed, the composition of the Board reflects the strategic expertise, resources and perspectives (past, present and future) needed to achieve Crossroads’ mission and strategic objectives.
  • How does the Board work with the School administration?

    The Head of School reports to the Board of Trustees as a whole, but not to individual Trustees. As such, the Board as a body is responsible for hiring, setting compensation for and evaluating the Head of School. The Board has no oversight over any other administrators or employees and is not involved in the day-to-day management of the School. Some administrators, such as the director of finance and operations or the director of advancement, may work with Board committees in an advisory capacity, sharing critical financial or fundraising information with the Finance, Audit or Development committees, for example. The Board does not work with division administrators.
  • What is the role of Crossroads’ Board of Trustees?

    The Board of Trustees champions and protects Crossroads’ mission. It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that the mission is relevant and vital to the School community and to monitor the success of the School in fulfilling its mission. Each Trustee actively promotes Crossroads while accepting accountability for the School’s financial and strategic future. Trustees serve as fiduciaries of the School.


Board Members


List of 5 items.

  • Sarah Harden, Chair

    Sarah Harden

  • Joe Blackstone, Vice Chair and Treasurer

    Joe Blackstone

    Vice Chair and Treasurer
  • Soo Hong, Vice Chair

    Soo Hong

    Vice Chair
  • Jeff Lipp, Vice Chair

    Jeff Lipp

    Vice Chair
  • Marisol León ’03



List of 16 items.

  • Samar Alghanim

  • Rick Barry

  • Trevor Bezdek ’95

  • Maisha Chappell

  • Emilio Diez Barroso

  • Bob Friedman

  • Emiliana Guereca Zeidenfeld

  • Josh Hamilton

  • Moujan Kazerani

  • Marc Millman

  • Rajesh Puri

  • Jordan Pynes

  • Paul Rahimian

  • Tracy Seretean

  • Erin Simon ’95

  • Evan Spiegel ’08


List of 6 items.

  • Ann Colburn

  • Paul Cummins

    School Co-Founder
  • Peter Norton

  • Lois Reinis

  • Bruce Stern

  • Nat Trives

In Memoriam

List of 4 items.

  • Charles Boxenbaum

  • Mel Edelstein

  • Shirley Garber

  • Allen Mink

Board Breakdown
Men 57%
Women 43%
Alumni  19%
Current Parents 81%
Parents of Alumni*  10%

*not also current parents



List of 1 items.

  • Board Committees

    Audit Committee
    Executive Committee
    Finance Committee
    Governance Committee
    Head of School Compensation Committee

List of 1 items.

  • Committees with Board Liaisons

    403(b) Investment Committee
    Grandparent Development Committee
    Risk Management Committee
    Equity & Justice Advisory Council
    Investment Committee
    Real Estate Committee